Monday, June 11, 2012

When to use hot/cold?

Stiff back ? sore muscles? aches and pains?..what do I use hot /cold? help!!! when do I use what much money out the window?..The CAREX BED BUDDY HOT/COLD PACK IS THE ANSWER!
THE CAREX BED BUDDY HOT/COLD PACK lets you treat your aching muscles,back , arm, shoulder, knee and almost any other pain or ache. Unlike any other product it offers you the best of both cold and hot,by either keeping it in your freezer or warming it up in your microwave in just a few minutes.
When should heat be used? heat should be used to treat stiff muscles and joints,when you are trying to make them flexible. It is advisable to refrain from using heat right after an injury or while an injury is still swollen, as heat relaxes the muscles and at this point we need to tighten the muscles.
Cold/ice should be used after an injury, as it constricts muscles /blood vessels and decreases cell damage and fluid build up. Cold also numbs the pain .
The CAREX BED BUDDY HOT/COLD PACK is safe for people and pets able to be used anywhere on the body and is reusable.The handles make it great for hard to reach place, and is a great gift for anyone,as it is mutlifunctional and honestly, who wouldn't enjoy a BED BUDDY ?

If you have any questions or comments visit us at

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